Logging for Scouts

Article Provided by "The Mail Journal"

Logging of Woods to Raise Funds for Scounts

The Syracuse Boy Scout Woods, located on CR 500 E, was recently logged by the Syracuse-Wawasee Rotary Foundation, owner of the property. Proceeds from the sale of the harvest timber will be used to make improvements to the woods and for other scouting projects.

The property was logged to promote the long-term health of the woods and improve its use for camping and other outdoor Scouting activities. About 136 trees were removed, including trees of timber value as well as over mature and problem trees. The Scouts will also use some of the cut timber for firewood during camp-outs and out doors activities.

“Many of the trees were over mature and some timber management was required to keep the woods healthy”

– Robert Smith
VP Syracuse-Wawasee Rotary Foundation

Matt Ridenour of M&R Timber Management, South Whitley, inventoried and harvested the trees.

“Mr. Ridenour did an excellent job, not only in removing the timber of value but also in identifying and removing problem trees,” stated Smith.

Ridenour also took care in preserving the woods natural setting with minimum disruption during the logging process